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Courage for tomorrow

Future fears of environmental catastrophes and systemic crises cannot be combated with generalized restrictions or mental shame scenarios. The causes of the problems must be eliminated – e.g. by reducing the need for transportation – instead of fighting the symptoms.

Innovative technologies can make an important contribution to shaping a future worth living with courage and confidence.

What we do

Setting the course for tomorrow –

MorgenWerk was founded in May 2020 by an experienced entrepreneur. MorgenWerk develops the entire equipment for flexible production facilities for the local complete production of a wide range of product groups.

The technological core is formed by swarms of autonomous shuttles that link working stations with each other as required.




As a start-up, we can fully exploit the potential of Industry 4.0/IIoT with the latest technologies, without any compromises and regardless of old structures. We follow the following principles:

everything from one source


all modules and processes are
fully compatible with each other

    • completely consistent standardization
      and modularization,
      including the IT architecture

    • high scalability of all modules
      in terms of size and performance

autonomous shuttles


for fully flexible logistic connection
of all working modules

    • extremly cost-effective to produce
    • allow process chains
      to be varied digitally


high vertical range of manufacture


as many processing steps as possible
in one place – from the basic material
to the finished product

    • guarantees independence from
      external supply chains

    • saves logistics and routes of
      transportation of supply networks


make it simple


simple logstic and working modules
instead of high-performance systems.

    • universal use for
      various product groups
    • the aim is always to optimize
      the overall benefit, not to
      over-perfect individual processes

mobile storage


individual parts and finished
products are always stored
mobile on the shuttles

    • avoids storage and retrieval processes
    • Production and storage areas
      can be mixed as required

    • Permanent inventory with
      exact storage locations

breathing manufacturing


no need for permanent
full load in order to absorb
fluctuations in demand

    • becomes possible due to
      low costs of the modules

    • avoids warehousing

AI-supported algorithms have been adapted and further developed for the three-dimensional navigation of our autonomous shuttles. This enables the shuttles to navigate simultaneously along the most economical routes to any destination in any scalable space that is densely occupied with hundreds or even thousands of shuttles on all floors.

This enables the efficient and economical manufacture of a wide range of products, even in small batch sizes and in the middle of the regional sales market.

“The result is sustainable manufacturing that combines economy and ecology.”


business model


The consistent standardization allows the MorgenWerk modules to be kept in stock.


From this pool, the required devices are then offered to the cooperating manufacturers in return for usage fees.
At the end of their use, the modules are taken back.

The provider MorgenWerk ensures functional reliability during the use of the modules via digital monitoring. MorgenWerk also provides maintenance and replaces the modules in the case of serious defects.

Thanks to the subscription rental, producers do not need any investment capital and can concentrate fully on their strengths and main processes. They only keep the module equipment currently required in their business. There are no risks associated with incorrect purchases and product changes.

By bundling requirements from a sufficiently large number of users in a network. MorgenWerk as a provider can procure the assets cheaply and compensate for fluctuations in demand.



logistic modules

The autonomous shuttle is a universal transport unit that handles parts transportation including mobile temporary storage.

Power is permanently supplied by the multifunctional floor. This eliminates the need for batteries and charging stops.

infrastructure modules

The infrastructure consists of a modular shelving system with an innovative multifunctional floor. It can be used as a driving track and as a base for working modules.

With its modularity, the shelving system can be adapted to any floor plan and height. Lifts can be integrated anywhere.

working modules

Each working module covers a specific function (e.g. machining, joining, laser cutting, 3D printing, forming).

It sets itself up using the smart IT structure. This makes it easy to adapt processing options.


The easy replacement of the modules also allows the producer to make individual adjustments at short-term notice if requirements change with regard to the necessary processing options – e.g. other materials, product dimensions – or if capacity requirements change.


The network combines the flexibility of small and medium-sized companies (SMEs) with the advantages of centralized facilities and services.

The full potential of the network is achieved when developers are integrated as cooperation partners in addition to the producers. The developers focus their product development on the specific characteristics of the MorgenWerk system.

The resulting community of different players can sustainably process and optimize the entire value chain of a product – from the initial idea, through development, production and use, to effective recycling at the end of its lifetime.


The modular adaptability of MorgenWerk technology enables producers in the network to expand the product fields as desired, scaling the dimensions and complexity of the products to be manufactured.


The same basic principle can be used to develop a wide variety of product fields – from consumer goods and household requirements such as garden furniture up to complete systems.

The clustore project, which is partially sponsored by the state of Baden-Württemberg,
is currently being implemented as the first application of the basic technology.


The Clustore project is the first specific application of the
of the MorgenWerk technology, which realizes dynamic
logistics in three-dimensional space.
The pilot facility will go into service in mid-2025.
more about the project >>


January 2023

Start of project “clustore”,
concept development and construction of fully modularized prototypes,
development of algorithms for dynamic navigation in 3D space


till mid 2025

Launch of a pilot installation
in the immediate neighborhood
with approx. 250 shuttles with already
interested pilot operators

May 2020 – end of 2022

Basic development for equipment + IT-architecture
–  Infrastructure, shuttles, multifunctional floor
–  construction “test unit manufacturing”  >>video 

till end 2023

Completion of prototype “test unit clustore” with 2 levels, 5 autonomous shuttles, 2 lifts and a lifting station

  >> video


Optimization and detailed engineering
of the modules for series production,
construction of a complete demo system

Completion of the software
inclusive ERP and web store

2025 & further

Optimization of the concept, development of series production according to the innovative MorgenWerk concept, acquisition and market penetration with partners

Development of partly already designed consumer products according to the MorgenWerk philosophy and production in MorgenWerk production facilities.

May 2020 – end of 2022

Basic development for equipment + IT-architecture
–  Infrastructure, shuttles, multifunctional floor
–  construction “test unit manufacturing”  >>  video 

January 2023

Start of project “clustore”,
concept development and construction of fully modularized prototypes,
development of algorithms for dynamic navigation in 3D space

till end 2023

Completion of prototype “test unit clustore” with 2 levels, 5 autonomous shuttles, 2 lifts and a lifting station

  >> video


Optimization and detailed engineering
of the modules for series production,
construction of a complete demo system

Completion of the software
inclusive ERP and web store

till mid 2025

Launch of a pilot installation
in the immediate neighborhood
with approx. 250 shuttles with already
interested pilot operators

2025 & further

Optimization of the concept, development of series production according to the innovative MorgenWerk concept, acquisition and market penetration with partners

Development of partly already designed consumer products according to the MorgenWerk philosophy and production in MorgenWerk production facilities.



The MorgenWerk system can be expanded into other fantastic future fields.


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